Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

enjoy your senior high school times, people ! :D

hello, it's me again ! from the title absolutely you know what will i talk about, right ? yes. senior high school times ! :D i think senior high school is the best moment ever ! and remember. shs time not gonna be repeated again. it's just happened once time in your life. seriously, if i had the machine time, i'll choose to back in to my shs time ! because like i said before, shs is the best moment ever !

but now, a lot of senior high school student complaining about their shs. a lot of homework, killer teacher, not suitable with their new friends, wearing uniform etc. a lot of the shs student said "oh bloody hell, a lot of homework today !" or " oh bloody fvckin exam, i'm not ready !" or "i can't wait to go to the university ! uni is more fun than school ! " seriously they are so wrong about this.

can they stop complaining ? senior high school is much much better then university FFS ! yeah maybe they think that uni is fun. no uniform, we can manage the class and the lecturer that we want, and yes we don't have to have class everyday. at least we will have 1 or 2 days free on our schedule. but it depends to how we manage the class, and how many credits that we take on this semester. okay this is the enjoyment side of being the university student.

now let's discuss the crazeeeh think about being university student. being an university student is moooore and moooore tired than being an shs student, not to mention if we get the annoying lecturer and we must manage the ration if we want to skip the class. moreover, in university we don't have "wali kelas" (sorry i don't know the english) :) and absolutely, we will heve a lot of task ! more than shs. and don't forget the quiz ! yes that's right. we have "dosen wali" (sorry again i don't know the english) :) but "wali kelas" is more have attention to us. if like we don't go to school, "wali kelas" will searching info why we don't go to school. in university ? don't expect it, people. well, the point is university life is more tougher and more selfish then shs life.

so, enjoy your senior high school times, people. don't hate it just enjoy it. moreover you'll love it and you will miss it, surely. because like bowling for soup said, that high school never ends ! :D xx

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