Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

5 goals !

heeeeeyaaaaa. it's me again :D today i wanna talk about the boy who wear number 9 on the Chelsea Reserves squad, and he also wear number 45 on the Chelsea 1st team squad. yes. he is Fabio Borini. do you know why he wear number 45 on the 1st squad, it's requested by himself. why 45 ? he said, "because if 4 plus 5 it equals 9. 9 is my number on the reserve team"

last wednesday, november 20th, when chelsea reserves face West Bromwich Albion Reserves, Fabio Borini scores. but it's not only one, two, or three goals. he scored 5 goals ! the final scores between Chelsea and West Brom is 5-4. Chelsea won. it means all the Chelsea goals was scored by Fabio Borini ! :D and it was Borini's seventh goal in four games and the last strike in an enthralling encounter against a tough West Brom side. a brilliant comeback from Chelsea and a great game of football all round.

i think you guys must checked the match highlights between chelsea resesrves and West Brom Reserves. it was a great game. fabio borini 5th goal on the match was so awesoooome ! go check on youtube, people ! o yeah, fabio has representated Italy at every level from under- 16 to under- 21, where he has become a regular starter under manager Pierlugi Casiraghi. He also served as under u-19 captain during 2009-2010.

here it is Fabio Borini :)

Fabio Borini on his chelsea jersey

Fabio Borini on his daily life :)

i hope Carlo Ancelotti will give him a chance to more play on the 1st team squad, just like Josh McEachran and Gael Kakuta. Because he's a really young-talented and great player. and he totally deserve it :) well, see you later, people ! xx

photos: credit to getty images and my collection

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

enjoy your senior high school times, people ! :D

hello, it's me again ! from the title absolutely you know what will i talk about, right ? yes. senior high school times ! :D i think senior high school is the best moment ever ! and remember. shs time not gonna be repeated again. it's just happened once time in your life. seriously, if i had the machine time, i'll choose to back in to my shs time ! because like i said before, shs is the best moment ever !

but now, a lot of senior high school student complaining about their shs. a lot of homework, killer teacher, not suitable with their new friends, wearing uniform etc. a lot of the shs student said "oh bloody hell, a lot of homework today !" or " oh bloody fvckin exam, i'm not ready !" or "i can't wait to go to the university ! uni is more fun than school ! " seriously they are so wrong about this.

can they stop complaining ? senior high school is much much better then university FFS ! yeah maybe they think that uni is fun. no uniform, we can manage the class and the lecturer that we want, and yes we don't have to have class everyday. at least we will have 1 or 2 days free on our schedule. but it depends to how we manage the class, and how many credits that we take on this semester. okay this is the enjoyment side of being the university student.

now let's discuss the crazeeeh think about being university student. being an university student is moooore and moooore tired than being an shs student, not to mention if we get the annoying lecturer and we must manage the ration if we want to skip the class. moreover, in university we don't have "wali kelas" (sorry i don't know the english) :) and absolutely, we will heve a lot of task ! more than shs. and don't forget the quiz ! yes that's right. we have "dosen wali" (sorry again i don't know the english) :) but "wali kelas" is more have attention to us. if like we don't go to school, "wali kelas" will searching info why we don't go to school. in university ? don't expect it, people. well, the point is university life is more tougher and more selfish then shs life.

so, enjoy your senior high school times, people. don't hate it just enjoy it. moreover you'll love it and you will miss it, surely. because like bowling for soup said, that high school never ends ! :D xx

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

90210 fever :)

hello ! long time no post :D do you miss me guys ? aaah absolutely you miss me, right ? :P so, i want to tell you that now i've got a fever. yes. 90210 fever ! :D

90210 is a teenage drama. he series revolves around several students at the fictional West Beverly Hills High, including new Beverly Hills residents. Annie Wilson and Dixon Wilson, their father Harry Wilson,
has returned from Kansas to his Beverly Hills childhood home with his family to care for his mother, former television and theater actress Tabitha Wilson, who has a drinking problem and clashes with his wife, Debbie Wilson. Annie and Dixon struggle to adjust to their new lives while making friends and yet adhering to their parents' wishes. During its first two seasons, 90210 featured cast members from the original series, including Jennie Garth, Shannen Doherty, Tori Spelling, Ann Gisselpie and Joe E. Tata.

here is the cast of 90210 :)

* shenae grimes. roll as annie wilson

*tristan wilds. roll as dixon wilson

* AnnaLynne McCord. roll as naomi clark

* matt lanter. roll as liam court

*jessica stroup. roll as silver

* trevor donovan. roll as teddy montgomery

* jessica lowndess. roll as adriana tate-duncan

* michael steger. roll as navid shirazi

gillian sinzer. roll as ivy

ryan eggold. roll as ryan matthews

* lori laughlin. roll as debbie wilson

well, that is the cast. seriously 90210 is really great drama. don't believe me ? go check by your self, fellas ! :D see you next time ! xx

Selasa, 07 September 2010

Idul Fitri and my blast-day :D ♥

hey, it's 8th september ! berarti 2 hari lagi seluruh umat muslim di dunia akan merayakan hari raya Idul Fitri. Setelah sebulan penuh menjalankan ibadah puasa Ramadhan, akhirnya, hari kemenangan itu pun tiba :) Alhamdulillah puasa saya tahun ini lancar jaya. hehehe. yaa kadang-kadang suka tergoda juga sih ;)

oya, kebetulan Idul Fitri tahun ini jatuh pada tanggal 10 September, itu berarti bertepatan dengan hari ulangtahun saya :D ummm dua tahun kemarin saya berulangtahun di bulan Ramadhan, tahun ini, Alhamdulillah bertepatan dengan hari raya Idul Fitri, berarti ulangtahun saya juga dirayakan oleh semua orang xD. oya, lebaran juga identik dengan thr atau tunjangan hari raya. nah, rencananya, thr yang saya dapatkan akan saya pakai untuk membeli jersey away chelsea yang item, dan (kalo uangnya cukup) iPod touch :D untuk barang kedua, ibu mau nambahin uangnya kalo kurang katanya :D

ini nih barang-barang yang aku mau :D

chelsea fc away jersey 2010-2011. awesome isn't it ? :)

iPod touch ! haaaa udah lama banget mau ini ! yg 8gb aja cukup kok :D

semoga kekumpul uangnya :) dan kalo ada uang sisa, uang nya mau ditabung buat going abroad tahun depan ke thailand apa malaysia, mau nonton pre-season nya chelsea. they will going to Asia again ! :D

well, happy Idul Fitri teman-teman. Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin yaa. :) xx

*photos: credit to google images

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

the day that i will never forget

13 Agustus 2010. hari yang tidak akan saya lupakan seumur hidup. di tanggal itulah ayahanda yang sangat aku sayangi, berpulang. mungkin bagi sebagian orang, kematian beliau sungguh mendadak. Sebenarnya, semenjak tahun lalu, beliau sudah mengalami sakit jantung, tepatnya di bulan September tahun lalu, beliau mengalami serangan jantung saat sedang menghadiri acara Halal bi Halal di kantornya. Beliau bilang, ia merasakan sesak yang luar biasa, ia pun menelpon ibu, ibu bilang lebih baik beliau dibawa ke Rumah Sakit saja, akhirnya, beliau memutuskan untuk pergi ke Rumah Sakit Santosa, yang berada di jalan Kebon Jati Bandung, sementara kantor beliau berada di daerah Tanjung Sari, Sumedang. Bisa bayangkan jaraknya teman-teman ?

Sesampai disana, dokter memutuskan untuk mengoperasi beliau, dan akhirnya terpasanglah 2 ring jantung dan 1 balon di jantung beliau. Operasi sukses, namun, proses recovery nya bisa dikatakan cukup lama. Biasanya orang-orang yang telah menalami operasi jantung, hanya membutuhkan wakt 2-3 hari di CVCU, namun beliau membutuhkan waktu 5 hari sebelum dipindah ke kamar perawatan biasa.

Setelah dipndah ke kamar biasa, Alhamdulillah kesehatan beliau semakin membaik, dan akhirnya diperbolehkan pulang. Kami sekeluarga sangat senang. Sebelum kembali ke kantor seperti biasa, beliau diharuskan istirahat dari semua aktifitasnya selama 2 minggu. Setelah 2 minggu, beliau pun kembali bekerja seperti biasa. Yang membedakan, kini setiap hari beliau harus meminum obat yang luar biasa banyaknya.

4 bulan, kesehatan beliau semakin membaik, hingga suatu hari, beliau merasakan sesak kembali. Rumah Sakit lagi. Dokter bilang, fungsi jantung beliau sudah semakin buruk, dan ternyata, waktu mengalami searangan pertama, penyumbatan di jantung beliau sudah 100%. selain itu kadar asam jantung yang normalnya 30, pada saat serangan pertama naik drastis menjadi 3000. Dokter juga bilang ayah bisa selamat dari serangan pertama itu adalah sebuah miracle, atau keajaiban.

Setelah rumah sakit kedua, tidak terhitung berapa kali lagi beliau keluar-masuk rumah sakit. hampir setiap minggu. tapi itu semua kami lakukan demi kesehatan ayah. Karena kami percaya, ayah akan sehat kembali seperti dulu. Tubuh beliau yang asalnya sangat besar dan gemuk, semakin lama menjadi semakin kurus. obat nya pun menjadi semakin banyak. sunnguh tidak tega melihatnya. Namun, walaupun sakit, beliau masih memikirkan pekerjaannya. di saat terakhirnya, tepatnya hari Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010, beliau baru saja menyelesaikan tugasnya, ia mengikuti seminar bersama teman-teman kantornya. Kebetulan aku, ibu dan kakak juga sedang berada di Jakarta, kami pun berjanji untuk bertemu di rumah tante, yang berada di daerah Pondok Kopi, Jakarta Timur.

Hari itu, kami sama sekali tidak mendapatkan firasat apapun. di hari itu, beliau sangat menikmati makan siangnya, (beliau tidak bisa berpuasa kaena tidak bisa meninggalkan obat-obat yamg harus ia minum setiap harinya) kebetulan tante memasak soup buntut, setelah kami semua selesai berbuka puasa, beliau meminta soup buntut, dan percaya atau tidak, ia menghabiskan makanannya, padahal beberapa bulan terakhir, ia selalu susah makan, karena katanya tidak enak di lidah, dan menjadi mual.

Setelah berbuka puasa, kami sekeluarga pun bertolak pulang ke Bandung, dan akhirnya sampai di Bandung pukul 22.30. setelah mandi dan membersihkan diri, aku pun pergi tidur. begitu pula kakak, ayah dan ibu. sekitar pukul 01.30 dinihari, pintu kamarku diketuk oleh ibu, katanya ibu mau tidur bersamaku, dan ayah akan tidur di ruang tengah, kebetua kamarku berada persis di depan ruang tengah, jadi ibu bisa sekalian mengawasi ayah.

Suara pompa air terdengar. artinya ada orang di kamar mandi, kebetulan kamaeku juga bersebelahan dengan kamar mandi. tapi kurasa ada yang aneh, mengapa pompa air menyala begitu lama ? mengapa orang di kamar mandi ini lama sekali ? tanyaku dalam hati. Namun aku pun kembali pulas dalam tidur dan tidak menggubris pikiranku tadi. 03.30 pembantuku membangunkan kami semua untuk sahur. Ayah tidak ada di ruang tengah, kami pikir beliau ada di kamarnya, karena beliau suka pindah-pindah tempat. Kami pun sahur seperti biasa.

Pukul 4, selesai sahur, aku diminta ibu untuk membangunkan ayah, untuk menanyakan apa beliau mau teh manis atau tidak. aku pun bergegas menuju kamar beliau. namun, aku tidak menemukan siapa-siapa. kosong. Kami semua panik. dimana ayah ? dimana ? Saat kami mebuka pintu kamar mandi, beliau sudah terkulai kaku. dingin. kami semua kaget dan langsung menangis. kami pun mengangkat tubuh beliau ke ruang tengah, dan segera menghubungi dokter, kebetulan tetangga sebelah rumah kami adalah seorang dokter. Dokter datang, kami berharap beliau masih hidup. namun ternyata Allah lebih sayang padanya, Beliau meninggal dunia.

Kami sekeluarga sangat kaget dan sedih atas kepergian beliau, namun seperti yang aku bilang sebelumnya, Allah lebih sayang kepadanya. Kami pun sudah ikhlas akan kepergiannya. Selamat Jalan Ayah, Kami semua menyayangimu, selalu. :')

ps: i don't wanna cry again, because i'm sure that he is already peacefull in there. someday we'll meet again, dad. surely :)

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

boys, boys and boys ;)

hey, i'm baaaack ! :) now i'm gonna tell you who's 5 boys we'll love. believe me, you'll like them. okay. let's start counting ;)

5. Liam Hemsworth

He's an australian actor, born in January 13th 1990. he plays on the movie, called "the last song" released on the last march. now, he's on relationship with his co-star on the last song movie. yup. miley cyrus.

liam. cool :)

4. Robert Buckley

Born in Los Angeles may 2nd 1981. he's an american actor. before become an actor, he's working as an economic consultant. he graduated from University 0f California, San Diego. his major is economic. he roll as Kirby Atwood on Lipstick Jungle tv series and Flirting with Forty as Kyle Hamilton.

robert buckley :)

3. Matt Lanter

His full name is Matthew Mackendree Lanter. born in Ohio, April 1st 1983. he roll as Horace Calloway on Commander In Chief, and absolutely as Liam Court on 90210 :)

matt lanter :)

2. Chace Crawford

Christopher Chace Crawford. born on july 18th 1985. roll as Nathaniel Fitzgerald Archibald on Gossip Girl. in 2009 he also the model of Leona Lewis music video, I Will Be. in the same year he was named on Summer Hotter Bachelor by People Magazine. He also done the public service announcement for do something teens for jeans campaign.

handsome :)

1. Luke Pasqualino

Luke Pasqualino- born as Luca Giuseppe Pasqualino, in February 19th, 1989. he's british actor, roll as Freddie McClair on Skins tv series. In 2007, he played the leading role in a budget film called Stingers Rule. He also starred in the new series of Casualty in September, as a streetrunner in a shopping mall and appeared in a 2009 episode of 'Miranda', a BBC comedy, with Miranda Hart, playing a hotel worker. He will star as character 'Greg' in the upcoming horror movie the Apparition, with Ashley Greene and Tom Felton. FYI, he's a chelsea supporter, just like me :D

handsome-awesome ;)

well, enjoy it everyone. see ya' ! :) xx

photos: credit to getty images and google images

Senin, 26 Juli 2010


yesterday i've watched this movie. yup. Killers. starring by Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl. great movie i think. the genre of this movie is romantic-action-comedy. i won't do some spoiler in here, it would be disturb you guys ! ;) but, you won't regret this movie after you watched it, surely :) enjoy the movie later !

see ya' :)

*photos: credit to google images.

rhys taylor :)

hey i'm baaaaaaack ! do you miss me guys ? *say yes say yeeeees* :P well, i have something to tell about. now i have crush on rhys taylor, actually it was happened in 2 or 3 years ago. but don't know now the crush is happened again. i think this is the power of love between me and him. :D

oyeah, if you don't know who is rhys taylor, he's a young chelsea goallie. he's a great goalkeeper i think. a lot of people thinks he will be "the next petr cech" and i'm sooo agree about this ! come on rhysssyy ! :) and believe me he's a brave and great goallie, if he don't, how could the chelsea youth squad win the FA Youth Cup this year ? :D he also called by u21 Wales National Team when his ages is 17 ! aaaw great job rhys ! :)

here it is rhys taylor :)

rhyssssyy ! hope we can see him get in to the 1st team next season :)

see ya' ! :)

*photos: credit to getty images

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

chelseaaaa ! :]

saturday july 17 th 2010 we'll see the Chelsea match again. woohoooooo ! finally ! they will doing the first pre- season match against Crystal Palace. the match will held in Selhurst Park. aaaw really can't wait to the match. we miss youuuuu chelseaaaaa ! :) i also can't wait to see the line up. i hope fabio borini, franco di santo, patrick van aanholt, jeffrey bruma, sam hutchinson will be on the squad list on saturday. :)

bring on saturday please ! chelseaaaaaa ! :D

miss you so muchhh blue army !

but we can't see ballack, joe cole, deco and belleti again. they have been released by the club.
good luck for you guys, thank's so much, we'll always remember all of youuu ! :)

see you ! :) xx

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

wedding bells ! :]

wedding bells is ringing ! today Philipp Lahm and Claudia Schattenberg are getting married :) the ceremony was so simple, but very memorable i think. the wedding ceremony was held in Aying, near Munich, southern Germany. here is the pics. :)

the place where lahm- claudia is getting married.
awesome. :)

Claudia- Phillip. one word. sweet ! :)

congratulation philipp and claudia. happy wedding for you both ! :) xx

*photos: credit to getty images.

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

champions of the champions

well, the world cup is finished. and Spain is the champions of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. FIFA also make some award on this tournament. here is the lists and also the winners.

-Final Tournament Standings


- Adidas Golden Ball

Diego Forlan

- Adidas Golden Boot

Thomas Muller

- Adidas Golden Gloves

Iker Casillas

- FIFA Fair Play Award


- Best Young Player Award

Thomas Muller

i think they really deserved it, well, congratulation, everyone ! :) xx

photos: credit to getty images.

espana campeoooooon ! :]

here it is the FIFA World Cup 2010 final. SPAIN vs NETHERLAND.
many people thinks this is an ideal match. yup i'm so agree about this.
2 great team. will meet each other in the final match. then, the match has started.

the match is really going well. many chance from spain, also netherland, but until then1st half is finished still no goals. the defense of spain and netherland are really strong. spain have puyol-pique-ramos-capdevilla on the back. plus iker casillas on the goallie. also netherland. they have giovanni-john heitinga-van der wiel-mathijsen. also martin stekelenberg on the goallie. 2nd half, still no goals. then the match must be continuing into extra time. 2x 15 mins. finally, the goals is coming. in the 116th mins, iniesta scored ! then spain become the champions ! :)

back-to back champions, EURO 2008- World Cup 2010

dressing room celebration :)


well, congratz espanaaaa ! viva la furia roja ! vamos espanaaaa ! :)

*photos credit to getty images.

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

my players transfer wishes

world cup is almost finished. just one game left. after that we'll move our eyes into transfer window, before the league starts again. for club, i always stand and cheering for chelsea. the news told that chelsea want to buys some players. here is the list. :) *most of all, the list is same with my transfer wish list. :D

- bastian schweinsteiger

i think he's a great player. young, fast, have a very good skill. basty and lamps also switch they jersey after england vs germany on the last 16 round. possibly move to stamford bridge, basty ? ;)

- fernando torres

who doesn't know him ? everybody must know el-nino.
he's a great striker.unfortunately, he still not scored
until now at the world cup. hope he'll scored tonight,
and spain will be a champions. go nando ! :D

- mesut ozil

now he plays for werder bremen.
i think he's the rising star in this world cup 2010.
he's so great ! :)

this is the chelsea target. hope they will join to stamford bridge this summer.

actually i'll be more happy if chelsea buy :

- thomas mueller

he play in bayern munchen now. scored 5 goals on this worldcup.
he still 21 years old. i'm sure he'll win the young best player of the tournament. come to SW6, mueller. :)

- david villa

el guaje. just one word for him. fantastic !
he's the real striker. always scored !
but unfortunately, he already join with FC barcelona before the world cup.

well, see you later fellas ! :)

*photos: credit to getty images.